How to use the OSI Model to Troubleshoot Networks – Layer 2
Learn how to troubleshoot network problems at the data link layer using the OSI model.
Troubleshooting wireless networks with the OSI model – Layer 1
This is a series of articles to troubleshoot WLANs using the OSI model, layer by layer.
Network Capacity Planning – Wireless Capacity vs Coverage
Learn what are the key elements to take into consideration to successfully design a WLAN.
WiFi Network Design
Learn what are the key elements that you should take into consideration to successfully design a WLAN.
Webinar “Best practice per implementare reti WiFi nelle scuole”
Nel Webinar gratuito organizzato da Tanaza, in collaborazione con S-MART, “Best practice per implementare reti WiFi nelle scuole”, i relatori Sebastiano Bertani, CEO di Tanaza e Michele Risegari, Brand Manager di S-MART, cercheranno di rispondere a tutti i dubbi e le domande riguardo l’implementazione di reti negli ambienti scolastici.
Le funzionalità per una solida infrastruttura wireless nelle scuole
Gli operatori devono tenere in considerazione alcune funzionalità fondamentali per una corretta progettazione, pianificazione e implementazione di reti wireless in situazioni ad alta densità, come le scuole.
WiFi nelle scuole – La situazione nel settore dell’istruzione
Negli ultimi anni, abbiamo assistito a una rapida diffusione della tecnologia nel settore dell’istruzione. Negli istituti scolastici si registra un uso crescente di dispositivi connessi a Internet a supporto della didattica e dei servizi a studenti e docenti.
Let’s celebrate World WiFi Day 2020
20th June every year, Tanaza celebrates the World Wi-Fi Day. The global initiative aims to encourage not only cities and government parties but also operators, service providers, tech vendors, and internet dealers, to come together to deliver connectivity to everyone, everywhere.
Tanaza ha aderito al Piano Scuola come partner per la gestione software delle reti WiFi
Piano Scuola è il programma avviato dal Comitato per la diffusione della Banda Ultralarga, per cui sono stati stanziati oltre 400 milioni di euro come fondi destinati al cablaggio dei plessi scolastici su tutto il territorio nazionale.
Public Cloud vs Private Cloud vs Hybrid Cloud
The choice between Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud solutions depends on a variety of factors. By recognizing the similarities and differences, you can be more informed about how each cloud computing type might impact your business.
Remote syslog – Track client device connections
The Tanaza software has the built-in capability of tracking the client device activities on the access points. When enabled, the messages and events stored in the access points can be exported to a remote Syslog server.
Linksys and Tanaza are partnering for deeper integration of their technologies
Tanaza and Linksys are expanding their technology partnership to accelerate Cloud Management and Services in Linksys Business Access Points.
Update Firmware in Wireless Access Points
Keeping the Tanaza firmware updated on your WiFi Access Points has never been so important, and here’s why!
WiFi Ping Tool – Troubleshoot Networks in Few Seconds
Tanaza launched an improved ping tool, to help MSPs execute routine ping tests and troubleshoot their networks. Discover how it works!
MSPs – The ultimate guide to the 802.11 ax wireless standard
The evolution of the 802.11ax wireless standard, also known as WiFi6 is coming down our way. But what does it mean for MSPs?
Read more about the reasons behind the new freemium pricing model and the different pricing plans, Basic and Pro.
Read our guide to 6GHz for MSPs, ISPs, SPs. Learn more about benefits of the frequency band, features, differences with 2.4/5 GHz and more.
Cloudtrax is no longer a viable software to manage your Openmesh APs. Here is what you can do next
Try Tanaza
Create your Tanaza account for free, install TanazaOS on your compatible devices and start to manage your Wi-Fi networks from the cloud.